Semi-permanent make-up Academy Seoul, Korea



Semi-permanent make-up Academy Seoul, Korea 

"21C Grace Lee Beauty Line"




21C Semi permanent make up training academy in Seoul, Korea

Micropigmentation theory class 



 Practice microblading eyebrows technique



Feathering eyebrows semi permanent makeup technique


Feathering eyebrows(Implant eyebrows technique)
People has different eyebrows curls.


Eyeliner technique with eye shadow effects

Original Academy of feathering semi permanent makeup education: 21C Grace Lee Beauty Line Korea
Training eyebrows design
1:1 Simulation training
Feather eyebrows micropigmentation

21C Grace Lee Beauty Line(myeong-dong, seoul)

Director Grace Lee│119 Namsan Ssangyong Platinum 46, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea

Tel : +82-2-778-3351 | Copyright (c) 21C Grace Lee Beauty Line, All rights reserved.

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