We had premium quality German medical skin care training class!




German medical treatment skin care education



This is 21C Grace Lee Beauty Line.




" Self-esteem of 21C! "
Premium quality medical skin care education


Learning medical skin care theory



21C students gathered together for learning German medical skin care at 21C academy in Myeong-dong, Seoul, South Korea.





We introduced German medical skin care to South Korea.
You can meet result of latest scientific technology!


Medical skin care theory class



The German medical skin care system is
step by step process that is accurate and scientific.
You can be experience easy process and certain effect.


국내 유일한 독일식 메디컬피부미용관리 교육



Student also learned semi-permanent make-up.
They wanted to combine semi-permanent make-up and skin care to improve the quality.






When combined with medical skin care, the result of semi-permanent makeup can be improved.
It can generate revenue and increase customer satisfaction.


Premium quality medical skin care training



Students learned about the principles of medical skin care 
and the management process of each type of skin
and watched the director's demonstration.



Director's skin care demonstration.





In-depth management such as prenatal care and postpartum care is also possible.










I support your success!! 

Congratulations on completion!!! 












The 21C grace lee beauty line is not cheap.
But our educational curriculum, skills and experience are certain.






21C Grace Lee Beauty Line(myeong-dong, seoul)

Director Grace Lee│119 Namsan Ssangyong Platinum 46, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea

Tel : +82-2-778-3351 | Copyright (c) 21C Grace Lee Beauty Line, All rights reserved.

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